webefektiv services

web design and digital platforms

Web design

In terms of digital productions, WebEfektiv creates presentation websites with a bespoke design, which are all especially conceived to respond to the communication needs that your company has. We design your graphic elements consistently, with a clear visual appearance, easy to browse and responsive, so that your content can be easily displayed on any device. Our focus is placed on visual communication, so we build presentation websites whose graphical elements are consistent with your overall image; you will also have a dashboard and interactive sections enabling you to interact with your customers.

Online stores

We are well-experienced in producing online stores operating on dedicated platforms, such as: WooCommerce, Open Cart, Magento and others. The online stores that we build at WebEfektiv are designed and structured in a customised manner. No templates are used. We also provide content development, we can input your products in your online stores, we can develop your visual content (product photos or video productions to illustrate your products).

Mobile applications

Technology evolves at warp speeds so we can add digital applications to your digital productions to make sure your business runs based on a high-performance and effective workflow. Moreover, the applications designed by Web Efektiv will help you develop and diversify the methods and channels you are using to promote the products and services covered by your brand. We have successfully developed digital applications for industrial customers, hotels, restaurants and cafes, car configurators, etc.

Efficient digital platforms

Our proven track record also includes digital applications and visual content designed to streamline the corporate workflow. We have successfully developed digital applications for industrial customers, healthcare providers, hotels, restaurants and cafes, car configurators, etc.

Are you looking for web design and digital productions?
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